Fiji L1 GeoV

Here are postal rates for Fiji issued in 1921. PDb readers and especially postal historians find this sort of information useful. Should any of our members have postal rate information (from any period), we would be happy to publish them. Please contact the editor.

LETTERS – Town and Country, and. to Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, and British Possessions, 1oz., 1d.; Foreign, 1oz., 2½d.

POST CARDS – Town and Country, single, ½d.; reply, 1d. Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and Foreign, single, 1d.; reply, 2d.

BOOKS AND MAGAZINES – Town and Country, every 4ozs. or fraction up to 5lbs., ½d. Australia and New Zealand, 2ozs., ½d. United Kingdom and Foreign, 2ozs., 1d.

PATTERNS AND SAMPLES – Town and Country, 4ozs., ½d.; Australia and New Zealand, 2ozs., ½d.; United Kingdom and Foreign, 2ozs., 1d.

COMMERCIAL PAPERS – Town and Country, 2ozs., ½d., Australia, New Zealand, and British New Guinea, 2ozs., 1d. United Kingdom and Foreign, 2ozs., 3d., each 2ozs. above that weight, up to 5lbs., ½d.

NEWSPAPERS (registered in Fiji for transmission by post) – Town and Country, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and Foreign, each newspaper, up to 4ozs., ¼d.; over 4ozs., ½d.

PARCEL POST – Town and Country, each Ib. up to 11lbs., 2d.; certificate of posting, 2d.

Australia, New Zealand, and Tonga, 1lb., 8d.; each addltional lb. up to 11lbs., 6d.; certificate of posting, 5d.

India and Ceylon, 1lb., 1s. 4d.; each additional lb. up to 11lbs., 1s. 2d.; certificate of posting, 5d.

Canada, each lb. up to 11lbs., 6d.; certificate of posting, 5d.
United Kingdom, 3lbs., 1s. 8d.; 7lbs., 3s. 4d.; 11lbs., 5s.; certificate of posting, 2d.

Fee due to Fiji on “Cash on Delivery Parcels” posted to United Kingdom, 2d. per parcel; Special fee, 2½d. per £1 or part of £1 (Trade Charge); Express Delivery, 5d.


Payable in United Kingdom and other parts of the World – £2-9d.; £5-1s. 9d., £7-2s. 6d.; £10-3s. 6d.; and so on up to £40.

Payable in Australia and New Zealand-£2-6d.; £5-1s.; £7-1s. 6d.; £10-2s.; and so on up to £40.

Payable in Fiji – £2-3d.; £5-6d.; £7-9d.; £-10-1s.; and so on up to £40.