This article was originally published in Stamp Collectors’ Fortnightly (December 1921).

An event of considerable interest announced for the beginning of the New Year is the dispersal by auction of the collection formed by the one and only Irish philatelist who figures on the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists, but who has since died, Mr. W. R. Lane Joynt. Among Irish philatelists his name has stood almost alone since the death of the late Duke of Leinster and the Earl of Kingston as an advanced student of philately.

Mr. Lane Joynt like so many other philatelic notabilities was a barrister-at-law. He was born at Limerick in 1855, and was educated at Windermere College, and at Bonn, graduating at Trinity College, Dublin. He started to collect about 1869 when at school and with a few intervals continued in the pursuit of his hobby until his death, which was during the past summer. In his early general collection he had many out-of-the-way items, includine the 10c. Chili with watermark error “20.” The general collection made way for the specialisation in Great Britain, certain Colonies, and United States.

Mr. Lane Joynt’s services to Philately have been rendered more notable by the arrangement and the custody of the Leinster collection, bequeathed by the late Duke of Leinster, and housed in the Science and Art Museum at Dublin. This collection is one of considerable importance and a splendid asset for Philately in the projected Free State of Ireland. Its Great Britain section alone is of high historical value, and there are some exceptional items which cannot be rivalled in the Tapling Collection, notably the unique set of Departmentals in mint blocks of four, including the 5s., 10s. and £1 King’s Head I.R. Officials; sheets of the stamps printed from the “booklet” plates, and many other things that would delight the students of British to inspect. Much of the interest of the collection is due to Mr. Lane Joynt’s activity in extending it after its founder’s death, and his success in this direction shows how grievous a fault it has been on the part of the British Museum trustees to decline to add to the Tapling Collection.

But to return to Mr. Lane Toynt’s personal collections. His own British were probably the best in lreland, and this part of the collection is one of the most interesting lots of Great Britain that has ever heen offered at public auction. The catalogues which Messrs. Plumridge & Co. are preparing will be of special interest to all Great Britain specialists who will find therein details of many items of unusual record value. There is a wonderful lot of penny blacks plated, twopence blues, and all subsequent issues. An used 1d. voided corner is one of the British gems.

The other collections vary a good deal but the strongest sections are those of the West Indies, Mauritius and Natal. Victoria was a favourile country with Mr. Lane Joynt, and I am looking forward with special interest to seeing what he possessed in this, one of the most fascinating of the philatelic colonies. So far the announcements only indicate the 2s. green imperforate, but I suspect there must be many other desirable items in his colony’s stamps, which along with his British were his prime favourites.

I wonder if his collection still contains the 1d. Cape Woodblock error of colour which Mr Lane Joynt had the good fortine to win as a prize in a competition conducted by the South African Stamp Co. in the advertisement pages of the Stamp Collectors’ Fortnightly twenty years ago. Competitors had to make a purchase from this firm located in the Strand, which gave them the right to enter for the competition, which was to estimate the amount that purchase was a Is. Mafeking Beseiged stamp, and his estimate was £l,945 16s. which was the nearest one received, the exact total being £l,934 8s. The woodblock error probably the most valuable philatelic prize ever offered in a competition was purchased by the Strand firm from Paul Kohl, of Chemnitz, for £75. What will it fetch now ?

The Sale commences on Thursday, January 19th, and 20th; subsequent portions will be sold on dates to be announced later.