This article is extracted from the Quarterly Review (October,1938), published by the World Research Society. Most stamp collectors know of Queen Marie of Romania, so the information contained within should be of interest.

One of the most colourful and influential royal figures in Europe for more than two decades, Dowager Queen Marie of Romania, died at her home palace near Bucharest in July.

Queen Marie

She was born an English princess at Eastwell Park, Kent, England, October 29, 1875. Her father, the second son of Queen Victoria, was Alfred, the Duke of Saxe-Coburg Gotha and Duke of Edinburgh. Her mother was the Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna, only daughter of Alexander II, Czar of Russia.

Marie was married to Ferdinand of Hohenzollern, then heir to the Romanian throne, in 1893, and from that date devoted herself to the interests of the Romanian people. Ferdinand and Marie ascended the throne in 1914, but their coronation was delayed by the War and post-War conditions until 1922. Marie’s influence was credited with bringing Romania into the War on the side of the Allies.

King Ferdinand

Ferdinand and Marie had six children, of whom Prince Mircea, the youngest, died in 1916. The others were: Price Carol, born in 1893, who married Princess Helen of Greece, and who is the present King Carol II of Romania. Princess Elizabeth, born in 1894, who became the wife of King George II of Greece. Princess Marie, born in 1900, who married the late King Alexander of Yugoslavia. Prince Nicholas, born in 1903, who eloped with a commoner, and was stripped of his royal titles by King Carol. Princess Ileana, born in 1909, who married Archduke Anton of Austria.

King Carol

In October 1926, Queen Marie, accompanied by Prince Nicholas and Princess Ileana, visited the United States and in a few weeks stay made a tour of many of the principal cities.