The history of the Association of Scottish Philatelic Societies stretches back to the first joint meetings of societies in Scotland in 1924.
The Council of the Association
The Council of the Association consists of one delegate appointed by each member society of the Association. In addition, the Office Bearers (who need not be society delegates) of the Association attend Council meetings. However, only the delegates have a vote.
Current Office Bearers
President: Willie King (Ayrshire PS)
Vice-President: David Mekie (Edinburgh Stamp Group)
Secretary & Treasurer: Alan Watson
National Exhibition Secretary: Keith Robinson
Keeper of the Book of Scottish Philatelists: Jeff Stone
Development Officer (East): Frank Soutar
Development Officer (West): David Rossall
Publicity Officer: Colin Campbell
Accounts Examiner: Ian Hunter
ABPS Representative: Ian MacPherson
SPTA Representative: Alan Watson
Council Meetings
Ordinary Council Meetings take place twice yearly, usually in October and January. In addition the AGM of the Association is held in April at the annual Scottish Congress
External links
Official website: Association of Scottish Philatelic Societies