Iceland: Parliamentary Millenary Celebration (1930)
This issue celebrated the Parliamentary Millenary. Centres designed by three Icelandic artists. Frames designed by L. Hesshaimer. Offset Litho Elbemuhl
By William Cochrane|2017-10-11T09:19:19+11:00Apr 15, 2016|Denmark & Colonies, Designers, Flags on Stamps, Hesshaimer, Iceland, Maps on Stamps, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics, Volcanoes on Stamps|
This issue celebrated the Parliamentary Millenary. Centres designed by three Icelandic artists. Frames designed by L. Hesshaimer. Offset Litho Elbemuhl
By William Cochrane|2017-10-11T09:23:17+11:00Jul 15, 2013|Designers, Iceland, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics, Volcanoes on Stamps|