Products used by the stamp collector to aid stamp identification and handling.
By PDb Glossary|2015-12-10T09:13:57+11:00Jan 17, 2008|Glossary, Glossary - A|
Products used by the stamp collector to aid stamp identification and handling.
By PDb Glossary|2015-12-10T10:28:55+11:00Jan 10, 2008|Glossary, Glossary - A, Stamp Inscriptions, Stamp Inscriptions - A|
Holy Year
By PDb Glossary|2015-12-10T09:33:25+11:00Jan 9, 2008|Glossary, Glossary - A, Stamp Inscriptions, Stamp Inscriptions - A|
French Equatorial Africa
By PDb Glossary|2017-10-11T09:26:11+11:00Jan 4, 2008|Glossary, Glossary - A|
More common than advertisements on stamps, these are booklet panes, which contain advertisements on labels se-tenant with the postage stamps.
By PDb Glossary|2015-12-10T10:39:34+11:00Dec 28, 2007|Glossary, Glossary - A|
Arrows, and similar marks, printed in the margins of sheets as register marks for printer and perforator. An arrow-block consists
By PDb Glossary|2015-12-10T10:30:37+11:00Dec 26, 2007|Glossary, Glossary - A, Postcards|
A category of picture postcard, on which additional material has been added to the basic printing, such as glitter, hair,
By PDb Glossary|2015-12-10T10:43:51+11:00Dec 9, 2007|Glossary, Glossary - A, Stamp Inscriptions, Stamp Inscriptions - A|
Newspaper postage
By PDb Glossary|2015-12-10T10:42:00+11:00Dec 9, 2007|Glossary, Glossary - A, Stamp Inscriptions, Stamp Inscriptions - A|
By PDb Glossary|2015-12-10T08:52:06+11:00Dec 2, 2007|Glossary, Glossary - A, Stamp Inscriptions, Stamp Inscriptions - A|
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