Relax with Stamps
"So many compensations reward the stamp collector that it is difficult to decide which is the greatest benefit to accrue
By Bill Hornadge|2019-07-23T17:40:27+10:00May 2, 2019|Articles, Collections, Philatelists, Presidents on Stamps, Royalty, Russia, Stamp Collecting, Stamp Collectors, United States, United States of America|
"So many compensations reward the stamp collector that it is difficult to decide which is the greatest benefit to accrue
By William Cochrane|2018-06-20T22:21:09+10:00Jun 20, 2018|British Commonwealth, British West Indies, Leeward Islands, Queen Elizabeth, Royalty, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics|
This is the Queen Elizabeth II definitive set for the Leeward Islands in the West Indies. Chalk-surfaced paper. Wmk
By PDb Archive|2018-02-28T19:59:20+11:00Feb 28, 2018|Articles, British Commonwealth, British Empire, Classic Stamps, Queen Victoria, Royalty, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics, West Africa|
This article was written by well-known philatelic writer Fred Melville (1882-1940): On the 31st January, 1898, the following notice was
By PDb Archive|2018-01-18T17:22:41+11:00Jan 12, 2018|Agriculture on Stamps, British Commonwealth, British Empire, De La Rue, History, Oceania, Pacific Islands, People on Stamps, Printers, Printing Processes, Royalty, Tonga|
The twentieth anniversary of the accession of Queen Salote (Charlotte) was celebrated in October 1938 by three stamps, recess-printed by
By Jeremy Lifsey|2018-01-12T19:31:57+11:00Jan 3, 2018|"Philately from Australia", Animals on Stamps, Antarctic, Articles, Australia & Dependencies, Booklets, British Commonwealth, Philatelic Publications, Queen Elizabeth, Royalty, Topicals or Thematics|
By William Cochrane|2018-01-05T07:56:58+11:00Jan 2, 2018|Agriculture on Stamps, Animals on Stamps, Austro-Hungarian Empire, First Issues, Hungary, Overprints, Royalty, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics|
Hungary became a republic in November 1918 and contemporary stamps of the Harvesters, Parliament, King Karl and Queen Zita
By PDb Archive|2017-12-06T20:31:05+11:00Dec 6, 2017|Australia & Dependencies, Australian States, British Commonwealth, British Empire, Charity Stamps, Designers, Engravers, Queen Victoria, Royalty, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics, Victoria|
Although these issues paid postage at 1d. and 2 1/2d., they were sold at 1/- and 2/6 respectively and the
By PDb Archive|2017-11-17T15:45:20+11:00Nov 16, 2017|Boats and Rafts on Stamps, British Commonwealth, British Empire, British West Indies, De La Rue, King George V, King George VI, Printers, Printing Processes, Royalty, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics|
A pictorial definitive series, with the profile of King george V inset, was recess printed by Waterlow in 1935.
By William Cochrane|2017-11-08T20:04:21+11:00Nov 7, 2017|British Commonwealth, British Virgin Islands, King George VI, New Issues 2014, Queen Elizabeth, Royalty, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics|
50c The Duke and Duchess of York (later King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother) pictured with
By William Cochrane|2017-10-11T09:18:38+11:00Jul 25, 2017|Classic Stamps, Engravers, Kings on Stamps, Netherlands & Colonies, Royalty, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics|
The second issue of King William II stamps was engraved by W. Kaiser of Amsterdam.. Recess printed at the Mint,
By William Cochrane|2017-10-11T09:18:39+11:00Jul 20, 2017|British Empire, Ceylon, De La Rue, George VI, King George V, King George VI, Printers, Printing Processes, Royalty, Sri Lanka, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics|
The lower values were similar to those of 1935-6; but with a portrait of King George VI substituted for George
By PDb Archive|2017-10-11T09:18:39+11:00Jul 17, 2017|Aircraft on Stamps, Animals on Stamps, Atlantic Islands, Birds on Stamps, British Commonwealth, British Empire, Falkland Islands, King George VI, Royalty, Ships on Stamps, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics|
This attractive issue, consisting of 14 stamps, was the final King George VI set for the Falklands. Recess printed. Waterlow
By William Cochrane|2017-10-11T09:18:40+11:00Jul 9, 2017|Austria, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Crowns on Stamps, Hats on Stamps, History, New Issues 2016, Religion on Stamps, Royalty, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics|
The Archducal Hat is one of the brightest royal symbols of Austria. In 2016 the actual crown of Austria will
By William Cochrane|2017-10-11T09:18:46+11:00Jun 10, 2017|Balkans, Cinderellas, Journalism on Stamps, Overprints, Romania, Royalty, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics|
The "Bust mare" issue was overprinted in 1920 for the occasion of the Congress of journalists in Transylvania and Banat,
By William Cochrane|2017-10-11T09:18:47+11:00May 24, 2017|Designers, Luxembourg, Royalty, Souvenir Sheets, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics|
This Miniature Sheet celebrated the twentieth Anniversary of the Reign and Royal Marriage of Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg. It