Stamps of Tunisia: Pictorial Series (1931-1941)
The same designs as the 1926 Tunisia series were retained for a series recess-printed by the Institut de Gravure and
By William Cochrane|2017-10-11T09:22:15+11:00Nov 27, 2013|Denmark & Colonies, Designers, Post Offices, Printers, Recess-printed, Scandinavia, Topicals or Thematics|
By PDb Archive|2017-10-11T09:25:19+11:00Oct 24, 2008|Africa, France & Colonies, Printing Processes, Provisionals, Recess-printed, Stamp Profiles, Surcharges, Tunisia|
The same designs as the 1926 Tunisia series were retained for a series recess-printed by the Institut de Gravure and