Zeppelin Stamps: German Gasbags
Enjoying a glamorous if relatively short career, Zeppelin airships captured the imagination of the public and were consequently a popular
By Charles and Francis Kiddle|2019-07-23T17:39:45+10:00Jun 3, 2019|Articles, Cinderellas, Flight Archive, Germany & Colonies, History, Poster Stamps, Topicals or Thematics, Zeppelins|
Enjoying a glamorous if relatively short career, Zeppelin airships captured the imagination of the public and were consequently a popular
By William Cochrane|2019-07-19T13:20:11+10:00Apr 28, 2019|Germany & Colonies, History, Inflation Issues, Topicals or Thematics, Weimar Republic|
The title of this essay should really be entitled, “A look at the Hyperinflation period in Germany and its postal
By PDb Maps|2019-04-29T15:18:26+10:00Apr 28, 2019|Europe, Europe Maps, German Occupation, Germany & Colonies, History, Maps, Military, Third Reich, World War II|
This map shows the extent of German conquests during World War Two (shown in blue). Courtesy of Wikipedia.
By William Cochrane|2018-02-17T19:21:35+11:00Feb 17, 2018|Charity Stamps, Children on Stamps, Designers, Germany & Colonies, Nurses on Stamps, Third Reich, Topicals or Thematics|
This issue of four charity stamps celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the "Mother and Child" Organization. 3pf + 2pf
By William Cochrane|2018-02-13T12:35:46+11:00Feb 14, 2018|German Occupation, Germany & Colonies, History, Hitler, Poland, Stamp Profiles, Third Reich, Top Ten Articles|
By Filip van der Haegen|2018-02-11T14:38:00+11:00Feb 11, 2018|Aircraft on Stamps, Airmail Stamps, Airmails, Argentina, Belgian Congo, Feature Postal History, Germany & Colonies, North America, Postal History, Ruanda, South America, Topicals or Thematics, Zeppelins|
From time to time, auction houses offer Zeppelin covers from the Belgian Congo. The price paid for such items is
By William Cochrane|2017-10-11T09:18:48+11:00May 19, 2017|Africa, Designers, France & Colonies, Germany & Colonies, Stamp Profiles, Stamps on Stamps, Togo, Topicals or Thematics, West Africa|
This set of eight stamps celebrated Togo's 70th Stamp Anniversary, showing philatelic scenes and reproductions of Togo stamps. 5 fr.
By William Cochrane|2017-10-11T09:18:51+11:00Mar 27, 2017|Architecture on Stamps, Berlin, Designers, Exhibitions, Germany & Colonies, History, Hitler, Stamp Profiles, Third Reich, Topicals or Thematics|
The image shows the 24 pf. + 76 pf. green stamp issued for the Second Berlin Philatelic Exhbition and the
By PDb Archive|2017-10-11T09:18:57+11:00Feb 16, 2017|Art on Stamps, German States, Germany & Colonies, Religion on Stamps, Saar, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics|
This attractive set of three stamps was issued in August, 1954 to mark the Marian Year. Many stamps issued by
By William Cochrane|2017-10-11T09:19:01+11:00Dec 3, 2016|Articles, Belgium, German Occupation, Germany & Colonies, History|
Belgium was occupied by the Germans throughout World War One. They attacked Liege, which they captured on August 16, 1918,
By PDb Archive|2017-10-11T09:19:02+11:00Nov 2, 2016|Austro-Hungarian Empire, Balkans, Germany & Colonies, History, Ottoman Empire, Postal History, Postal Stationery, Royalty, Serbia (Servia), Turkey|
From the PDb archives comes this interesting postal card from the German Post Office in Constantinople sent to the xylographist
By William Cochrane|2017-10-11T09:19:09+11:00Aug 7, 2016|Diebitsch Karl, Germany & Colonies, Hitler, Stamp Profiles, Third Reich|
By PDb Maps|2017-10-11T09:19:19+11:00Apr 9, 2016|Australasia Maps, British Empire, British New Guinea, Germany & Colonies, History, Maps, New Zealand, Oceania, Pacific Islands, Papua New Guinea|
This fine map shows Oceania (the Pacific Region) as it was in 1897. It should be a useful chart for
By John Barrett Ph.D.|2017-10-11T09:19:22+11:00Mar 1, 2016|Baden, Feature, German States, Germany & Colonies, Postcards, Swiss Cantons, Switzerland|
A 1918 Swiss Federal Holiday postal card, depicting 'Child in a Tree' (#5 of a set) and National Defense soldiers;
By William Cochrane|2017-10-11T09:19:37+11:00Sep 21, 2015|Germany & Colonies, History, Religion on Stamps, Saints on Stamps, Stamp Curiosities, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics|
It is unusual to see a Devonian honoured on a German stamp. But that was the case in 1954, when