American Topical Association (ATA)
The American Topical Association (ATA) serves members in 65 countries. It is the largest philatelic society devoted to this specific area of stamp collecting.
By PDb Directory|2019-07-30T10:37:30+10:00Jul 30, 2019|Associations, Directory, United States|
The American Topical Association (ATA) serves members in 65 countries. It is the largest philatelic society devoted to this specific area of stamp collecting.
By PDb Directory|2011-07-15T12:45:56+10:00Jul 15, 2011|Associations, Directory, Great Britain, Topicals or Thematics|
By PDb Directory|2010-08-16T14:12:25+10:00Jan 26, 2010|Associations, Directory, Websites|
An association of philatelists devoted to the study of philatelic manifestations of the Europa ideal of political, economic, and social
By PDb Directory|2017-10-11T09:24:58+11:00Dec 4, 2009|Associations, Catalogues, Directory, Glossary, Glossary - A|
International Association of Publishers of Stamp Catalogues. Official Website:
By PDb Glossary|2017-10-11T09:24:58+11:00Dec 3, 2009|Associations, Directory, Glossary, Glossary - A|
"The ADPS Stamp Dealers Society is a UK based society formed in 1966 for the benefit of both full and
By PDb Directory|2017-10-11T09:24:58+11:00Dec 2, 2009|Associations, Directory, Glossary, Glossary - A|
Indicates membership of either the American or the Australian Stamp Dealers Association (now known as the Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association
By PDb Directory|2010-09-22T15:33:14+10:00Jan 29, 2009|Associations, Directory, United States|
By PDb Directory|2010-08-16T14:12:22+10:00Nov 3, 2008|Associations, Directory, Great Britain|
The history of the Association of Scottish Philatelic Societies stretches back to the first joint meetings of societies in Scotland
By PDb Directory|2017-10-11T09:25:38+11:00Jun 16, 2008|Associations, Directory, South Africa|
The Philatelic Federation of South Africa is the primary philatelic association of South Africa. Official website: Philatelic Federation of South