Railway Newspaper Parcel Stamps of Rhodesia
This article was written by American philatelist C.C. Lance in 1938 and was originally titled "Railroad Stamps of Rhodesia". In
By PDb Archive|2018-06-05T11:12:03+10:00Jul 5, 2018|British Guiana, Cinderellas, Congo Free State, History, Local Posts, Mozambique, Newspaper Stamps, Portugal & Colonies, Railroads or Railways, Railway Stamps, Railways, Rhodesia, South Africa, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics, Train Archive, Trains, Transport|
This article was written by American philatelist C.C. Lance in 1938 and was originally titled "Railroad Stamps of Rhodesia". In
By PDb Archive|2017-10-11T09:18:44+11:00Jun 25, 2017|British Empire, British Guiana, British West Indies, Central America, Cuba, History, Mexico, Paquebots, Postal Carriers, Postal History, Ship's Mail, Shipping Archive, Shipping Lines, Ships, South America|
This is an image of an Advertisement from the 1909 Stark's Guide Book & History of British Guiana. It shows
By PDb Maps|2017-10-11T09:19:03+11:00Oct 13, 2016|British Empire, British Guiana, History, Maps, Railroads or Railways, South America Maps, Venezuela|
This map shows the Boundary lines of British Guiana on the map of Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1896 (page 88). Map
By Philatelic News|2017-10-11T09:21:32+11:00Mar 26, 2014|British Empire, British Guiana, Classic Stamps, South America, Stamp Profiles, Topicals or Thematics|
A one-cent magenta postage stamp printed in what was then British Guiana in 1856 is expected to fetch a record
By PDb Archive|2017-10-11T09:25:23+11:00Sep 1, 2008|"Stamp Collectors’ Fortnightly", Articles, British Guiana, Collections, Ferrary, Mauritius, Philatelic Publications, Reunion, Sydney Views|
Richard A. Turton The following article concerning arguably the most famous stamp collector and collection of all time, was written
By PDb Archive|2017-10-11T09:26:01+11:00Mar 6, 2008|British Guiana, Classic Stamps, South America|
A popular name given to the stamps issued in British Guiana in 1850-1, since they resembled the labels stuck on