The Australian Philatelic Society is based in Melbourne, and has members from around the world dedicated to the research, study, publication and display of all aspects of philately and postal history, both of Australia and its States, and worldwide.
The Society strives to provide the best possible environment for the encouragement and promotion of philately. It is forward-looking and dynamic, aiming to be the premier society in Australasia, bringing new members, and all collecting interests together for the good of philately.
Most fascinating, wonderful, non commercial philatelic website, updated on daily basis.
Hi, I am a postal history research student of Hawaiian 19th century postal history with articles published in various postal history journals on mails to and from Honolulu. I am now trying to locate information on the postal history of the New Zealand and Australian post offices, ca. 1855 – 1900, to support a short article on mail carried between the Colonies and Honolulu en route to Vancouver, British Columbia and San Francisco. Do you know if any of this postal
history has been put on a CD available for easy reference? If so, please advise
of your cost for the CD. My address: 48 Finch Court, Orange Park, FL 32073,
tel. (904)269-0570. Many thanks for your good help. Sincerely, Randall